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Sell your audiobooks to the established network of Author's Republic and reach 50+ channels—including NOOK, Audible, Spotify, Apple, Chirp, Hoopla, Overdrive, Google Play, and more—worldwide.
Need help creating your audiobook? We can help! Sign up to explore our production options.
Widest Distribution
Reach over 50 channels and millions of listeners around the globe. Sell your audiobook to our wide network and earn up to 25% more versus an exclusive agreement with ACX.
Production Tools
Looking for a narrator to bring your book to life? Audition and hire professional voice talent from our vast roster. Or work with one of our top-notch production managers, who will handle everything for you.
Exceptional Support
Our dedicated customer service team can help you at every step in your audiobook journey. Their in-depth knowledge and rapid response times ensure your audiobook is ready to sell without delay.
Why Publish Your Audiobooks to NOOK:
- Reach B&N's Vast Customer Base: Browse B&N Audiobooks on BN.com, on select NOOK devices, or with the free B&N NOOK App for iOS or Android.
- Find and Engage New Audiobook Listeners: Drive awareness and discoverability with exclusive marketing opportunities from social media outreach and virtual events to B&N store exposure, online promotions, and email placement.
- Free Audiobook When You Subscribe: Subscribe to get the first month FREE. Not ready to subscribe? Discover over 300,000 audiobooks available to purchase à la carte.
- All-in-One App: Enjoy an array of digital content in the B&N NOOK App. Whether browsing audiobooks, eBooks, manga, comics, or the latest news, the free B&N NOOK app provides endless entertainment.