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Welcome, B&N Press Authors!
Sign up to access our audiobook production tools and wide sales network

Sell your audiobooks to the established network of Author's Republic and reach 50+ channels—including NOOK, Audible, Spotify, Apple, Chirp, Hoopla, Overdrive, Google Play, and more—worldwide.

Need help creating your audiobook? We can help! Sign up to explore our production options.

Untitled (900 x 500 px) (1)-1

Widest Distribution

Reach over 50 channels and millions of listeners around the globe. Sell your audiobook to our wide network and earn up to 25% more versus an exclusive agreement with ACX. 

Production Tools

Looking for a narrator to bring your book to life? Audition and hire professional voice talent from our vast roster. Or work with one of our top-notch production managers, who will handle everything for you.

Exceptional Support

Our dedicated customer service team can help you at every step in your audiobook journey. Their in-depth knowledge and rapid response times ensure your audiobook is ready to sell without delay.

Why Publish Your Audiobooks to NOOK:

  • Reach B&N's Vast Customer Base: Browse B&N Audiobooks on, on select NOOK devices, or with the free B&N NOOK App for iOS or Android.
  • Find and Engage New Audiobook Listeners: Drive awareness and discoverability with exclusive marketing opportunities from social media outreach and virtual events to B&N store exposure, online promotions, and email placement.
  • Free Audiobook When You Subscribe: Subscribe to get the first month FREE. Not ready to subscribe? Discover over 300,000 audiobooks available to purchase à la carte.
  • All-in-One App: Enjoy an array of digital content in the B&N NOOK App. Whether browsing audiobooks, eBooks, manga, comics, or the latest news, the free B&N NOOK app provides endless entertainment.